Release your arms from Gomukhasana and place your hands on the floor on either side of your knees. Rock forward and, on an inhalation, lean onto your hands so you come slightly off the ground. During the split second you are airborne, uncross your legs and land lightly on the tops of your shins in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose). Lift your hips directly over your knees and tuck your toes under. Feel your weight drop down through your toes and knees. Move your pelvis forward slightly as you press the thighs back. On an inhalation, lift the chest and look up, up, up. Begin to bend up and over a huge imaginary beach ball, so the spine extends evenly. Move the spine in toward the back of the heart to open the chest and maintain space in the lower back. Take hold of your ankles. (If you can't reach them, place your hands on blocks alongside your feet.) If you're able to keep your shoulder blades firm, your head should drop back easily. If that doesn't feel good, keep your head lifted and look forward. Stay here for 3 breaths, then press down into your feet as you come back up on an inhalation, bringing your head up last. Rest in Vajrasana for a moment or two. Repeat 1 or 2 more times and end in Vajrasana.
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