Start in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), with your hands pressing firmly into the mat and your heels reaching toward the floor. Turn your left heel down and step your right foot between your hands. Place your right hand about 8 inches in front of your right foot (on the floor or on a block) and your left hand on your left hip. On an inhalation, lift the left leg up and straight back, coming into Ardha Chandrasana. As you exhale, spin your left ribs, armpit, fingers, and your face up toward the sky. Move the tailbone and pubic bone toward each other to create a powerful connection from which you can extend through the arms, legs, and crown of the head—you should feel as though you're radiating out like the rays of the moon on a dark night. Feel your energy reaching past your fingertips and try to ride the movement of this big balancing pose for 5 breaths before moving on.
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