From Down Dog, shift your weight forward and place your right knee on the floor between your hands. Bring your left knee directly behind it and sit down between your shins, stacking your knees and moving into Gomukhasana. Lift your left arm up, externally rotate it, bend your elbow, and place your palm down your back between your shoulder blades. Then internally rotate your right arm, bend it behind your back, and reach it toward your left hand. If your hands don't reach, make the connection by using a yoga strap or belt. Notice if your elbows are splaying outward or if the top one is falling forward. Try to move your upper arms and elbows toward the midline, even in this pretzel-like position. This pose is a great preparation for backbends, because it opens the sacral area, creates softness in the groins, and opens the triceps and shoulders. In this pose, go inward mentally and energetically for 5 to 8 breaths.
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