Thursday, July 16, 2009

The yoga sutras of Patanjali: asana

by Annette Rivlin-Gutman

Asana means “staying” or “abiding”. Most people think of asanas or postures when they think of yoga. It is the most popular part of yoga in the west. However, yoga is so much more. Asana is the third of the eight limbs of Patanjali’s Sutras.

The yoga sutras say that when we are able to do asanas, we are able to handle opposites. We know how our body reacts in different situations, so we can adapt to challenges. Asana creates an ease where there is a balance between movement and stillnes.

According to Patanjali, asanas should serve the highest good of the person rather than the person having to adapt to fit into the practice of the asanas.

Asanas help develop stability, flexibility, and endurance in the body. These benefits prepare the body for proper practice of pranayama, the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga.

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