Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yoga is not a competition

by Freya D'Amico

Whether you're a beginner or have been practicing for years, don't get sucked into the "sports jockeying" stereotype of who can place their hands lowest to the ground or complete the final expression that week. Those are outside forces you cannot control, and yoga should never ever be “who can rip their muscles getting into a posture.” Yoga shouldn't be a competition with yourself either. You should absolutely push yourself toward self improvement, but more importantly, yoga should teach you to listen to your body. Some days, you'll be amazed by how far you've come, and others, you'll be more stiff, or sore, and need to take modifications. These are good flows and ebbs. Don't let your ego get in the way of listening to your body's needs.

Never be discouraged when you come to your mat. The most important thing is that you had a choice, to keep on with your busy life or to come to your mat, and choose to reflect on your inner self. If you're doing yoga at all, thank yourself for making that choice. Everything else is just circumstance.

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