Monday, March 30, 2009

Benefits of Sun salutation - surya namsakara


Surya Namaskara is an ancient system of Indian exercise. It includes the regular routine of prayer and worship. One of the means of honoring the sun is through the dynamic asana sequence Surya Namaskar (better known as Sun Salutation).

The Sun Salutation is a prayer in motion. It allows us to use the body as an instrument of higher awareness, so that we can receive wisdom and knowledge. Surya namaskar consists of a sequence of twelve postures performed continuously and combined with synchronized breathing. Each position counteracts the preceding one producing a balance between flexions and extensions. Among these twelve positions, ten are Asanas only. The first one and the last one are two positions. All these Asanas and position are very easy to perform and can easily be practiced by the people of all ages. Together these twelve positions constitute the process of Surya Namaskara.


Surya Namaskars has several benefits. It activates almost all the glands of the endocrinal system. Because of this internal activation, the pancreas, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary and some other glands begin to secrete their respective hormones in normal way.

Surya Namaskara corrects disorders of the pancreas, liver and cure constipation, wind troubles, indigestion, acidity, intestinal disorder. It takes away extra weight of abdominal area. It strengthens the spinal cord, energizes the inner cells and activates the whole nervous system. It allows us to use the body as an instrument of higher awareness, so that we can receive wisdom and knowledge.

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