The crow exercise is designed to cleanse the sixth chakra . Regular performance of this exercise dramatically improves its strength. According to yoga theory if you fail to exercise regularly then with the onset of old age the bones become brittle, especially the knees. By conducting the crow exercise you will make the joints of both the arms and legs stronger. Additionally you will improve your stamina.
1 Squat down onto your knees, buttocks to ankles keeping them apart. The heels of your feet should not touch the floor.
2 Place the palms of your hands facing down on floor and wrap arms in between the knees.
3 Very carefully place your body weight onto your arms. You should tilt your body forwards when doing so.
4 The heels of your feet should be used as a springing board to push you forwards.
5 Slowly raise each foot from the floor while tilting forwards. Keep your spine straight and head facing forward.
6 Now lift your whole body onto your arms and hold position for as long as possible. While doing so inhale and exhale your breath at a normal rate.
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